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我師傅話:喺香港,市價低於資產淨值的股票多如天上的繁星,我們總不能買下所有市價低於資產價值的股票;that’s why 有所謂的股票分析。
咁幾時先伸手去摘那粒繁星呢!公司行動 corporation action 是最重要的因素之一。

StanChart Plans $1 Billion Buyback After Two-Decade Wait

Standard Chartered Plc is buying back ordinary shares for the first time in more than 20 years as Chief Executive Officer Bill Winters seeks to put misconduct and profitability woes behind the Asia-focused lender.
The $1 billion purchase plan comes weeks after a settlement between the bank and U.S. regulators over its repeated violations of sanctions with Iran. Standard Chartered also on Tuesday delivered its latest quarterly results, which put it on course to deliver its key targets for shareholders. The shares jumped as much as 6.1 percent during morning trading in London, the most since October.
“The resolution of our legacy conduct and control issues means we can now manage our capital position more dynamically,” Winters said in the statement. Chief Financial Officer Andy Halford told journalists that the bank is “done” with legal expenses for the time being.
Winters has been fighting a near-constant stream of misconduct issues old and new in his four-year tenure at the lender, which operates in more than 60 markets including Angola, Indonesia and Hong Kong. The scandals have overshadowed his efforts to turn around the bank and weighed on the shares, which have fallen by about a third since he took the helm in mid-2015. Post by Bloomberg.

渣打銀行上市以來首次回購股份,公司經過半新半舊的CEO 「Bill Winters 」搶救兩年後今天可以回復八成狀態難得難得。

更難得的是宣布回購當天股價勁升5%,第二日再升 4%,使我難以追貨亦買得不多,但中美及習特之間的博弈,使渣打集團有限公司今天股價從回4月30日估值$68左右,如果現金足夠今天可以大買特買;(當然這幾天有些人見到是大平賣有些人見到是股災各取所需各有不同,明天可能更平賤物鬥窮人)公司資產淨值$106,現時折讓大約35%,如果回購能使股份收窄折讓到只有兩成,咁渣打銀行在$84左右買賣並不過分;且看今次中美博弈是給我機會還是陷阱!(HSBC 經過兩年多來的回購,股價與資產折讓收窄近乎零,還記得2016年匯豐有同樣動作小弟在平均$48左右持貨,兩、三個月左右升上$60沽清那20%的回報相當不錯)


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